Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pro-Choicer @blackdove78 Supports Terrorism and Violence Towards Women

Yesterday, my follower list on Twitter, was trolled by @vochoice, Voice of Choice, Todd Stave.  One of my pro-life followers, @MohamadanWatch, has apparently made it his/her personal mission to tweet about Muslims, Islam, and anything to do with Jihad.  @vochoice told me to look at @MohamadanWatch’s profile picture, I did. I posted it below.  It’s disturbing to say the least.  But racist? No.

Note the caption “is your daughter ready?”.  He obviously believes Muslims are a threat to society, and a threat to women and young girls. It is my opinion that he is entitled to his belief.  @vochoice pushed me to unfollow @MohamadanWatch, based on racism.  I refused.  I believe @MohamadanWatch’s opinion is not racist at all, rather, it’s religious.
I trolled @MohamadanWatch’s twitterfeed and posted the tweet below, in response to @vochoice.
The link in the tweet leads HERE.  That is just one example of the type of links @MohamadanWatch posts.  So while he brings attention to Islamic violence, @blackdove78 defends the terrorists.
So what started out as me being called a racist, was quickly changed to bigot.  Yes, I was called a bigot.  Surprised?  Me neither.  She obviously didn’t read any of the links posted by @MohamadanWatch.  She doesn’t care that people are killed by terrorists.  She doesn’t care about any possible threats toward women and girls.  I assume she would rather keep her head stuck in the sand when it comes to Islamic violence.  It’s like that pre-abortion ultrasound, what she doesn’t see won’t bother her.
She continues the harassment even today.  The Tumblr hate post she references regularly is HERE.
I felt the need bring to light how the left twists things, in order to make you appear racist and bigoted.  I hope I’ve made my point.