Saturday, April 30, 2011

X Factors Stacey Solomon Chose Life For Her Son


According to UnRealityTV, X Factors Stacey Solomon considered abortion when she was 18 years old.

“I was completely miserable. What were the positives? I tried hard but I couldn’t think of any. So I asked my mum to make an appointment at a termination clinic.”

The ultrasound is ultimately what changed her mind about aborting her pregnancy and killing her son.  Though it was far from easy, Stacey chose life for her son.

“I hated every second of my long, long labour.”

“It was disgusting. And when they gave him to me, I didn’t even want to hold him. I just thought, Get me some food! I was completely wrapped up in my own unhappiness.”

“I didn’t feel motherly. I felt so hopeless, like I was nothing. I didn’t want a baby. I really didn’t. I went on crying and crying.”

“I was fat, torn and sore. I was helpless and trapped. I felt as if I’d gone from having the best life in the world to everything being in ruins.”

“I don’t remember a lot about that period of my life. I couldn’t foresee that Zach would be the greatest blessing I could ever have. I went through hell for three months.” (emphasis is mine)

Stacey found that being pregnant for 9 months is not easy, and giving birth is even harder. But in the end, her son Zach is truly the greatest blessing  in her life.  It's so sad for women that 'choose' to abort their babies, never knowing the blessing they missed out on.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy for Stacey and Zach that she made the right decision. She certainly seems glad that she made the right choice too. Imagine someone 18 or younger being presented with such an awful option; hey, you interested in getting an abortion? Hey, 5-year-old, you want a cigarette?

