Sunday, March 6, 2011

One #prochoice Drama Queen

I had to laugh after reading this Abortion Gang post.  Chere tells about her experience while getting a stye removed from her eye.  She was feeling left out of the conversation (*sniff*) about curettes, so she told her ophthalmologist that she had previously worked in an abortion mill, where they also use curettes. She told him WHILE HE WAS DOING THE PROCEDURE ON HER EYE!!! How stupid is that?

Her doctors response?  “Uh, don’t tell me that,” he said.  “These aren’t anything like those curettes.”  Her tantrum came after she left office.  We have a real drama queen here folks!
My whole body felt icy hot.  Nothing really sunk until we we’re leaving the clinic, when I began to really feel the anger bubbling up in my belly.  I realized how incredibly fucked up it was that he used his power in that situation to disrespect me, a young patient lying on his operating table literally cut open, being penetrated while I spoke my truth.  I had stayed silent in that moment, not knowing how to respond safely to his violent assertion that the work I live and breathe for is dirty, shameful – something that I’m not supposed to talk about, let alone take pride in.
She must have aced drama in high school, or maybe she's still in high school?  What happened is simple.  The doctor obviously, and I might add graciously, avoided the subject of abortion. 

Hey Chere, if killing babies is what you 'live and breathe' for, consider yourself enGROSSed by abortion. Sad.

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