Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Are Late Term Abortions Ever Necessary?

My immediate answer is, of course not.

The Abortion Gang's's  latest attempt to justify the slaughter of human fetuses, is based on the story of Danielle and Robb Deaver, who's baby died after being denied life saving treatment.

Danielle's water broke at 22 weeks gestation.  Rather than stay in the hospital, and start steriods to develop the baby's lungs, Danielle went home.  8 days later, she went into labor.  From what I can tell, the baby was forced through a traumatizing vaginal birth.  

It is stated that the baby had a 10% chance of survival.  While that is low, it's still a chance, but only if measures are taken to beat the odds. In this case they were not. No life saving measures were used, they just let the baby die.

Further into the Abortion Gang article, written by NYCprochoiceMD, another story about 'Maria', who's baby was found to have severe brain and spinal anomalies. Maria was 21 weeks pregnant.  She chose to end the life of her baby.  That's no different than holding a pillow over your baby's head to end it's suffering.  A better idea is to alleviate the suffering. No one should have the right to end the life of a child, whether it's born or pre-born.

UPDATE:  The A/P published the story and I found a couple of comments particularly enlightening.
Nebraska Right to Life executive director Julie Schmit-Albin - "We acknowledge the tragedy that occurs with a poor prenatal diagnosis for the baby. But isn't it more humane for the baby to die in a loving manner with comfort care and in the arms of her parents than by the intentional painful death through abortion?"
Sen. Mike Flood of Norfolk - "Even in these situations where the baby has a terminal condition or there's not much chance of surviving outside the womb, my point has been and remains that is still a life."
I couldn't agree more.

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