Friday, July 6, 2012

Post-Abortive Women Need Love And Compassion, Not Jail

Pro-aborts are currently shooting themselves in the foot, touting the video below as “How to Stump an Anti-Choicer with One Seemingly Obvious Question”, as seen on RHRealityCheck.  Watch the video.

Pro-aborts would like everyone to believe that ‘hatred for women’ is at the base of the pro-life movement.  It’s not.

Quotes from the pro-lifers who were targeted in this video with the question (I’m paraphrasing), “What should happen (legally) to women who have illegal abortions?”.  The question was what pro-aborts refer to as a ‘loaded question’.  The answers were fairly consistent, and love was at the root of them.

“We should treat them with love”

“They need counseling, and they need help”

Clearly, pro-lifers do not hate women.  Just the opposite is true in fact.  The video shows the compassion of the pro-life movement.  We should probably thank the pro-aborts for bringing our love and compassion to light.

One final note on this.. Toward the end of the video, when a women, obviously being pressured to answer questions she was not prepared to answer, told the man to go ask Joe Scheidler, who was right down the street, I find it telling that Joes’ answers were omitted from the video.  That is, assuming the interviewer had the guts to go ask him.


  1. Perhaps a link to this website would help counter this propaganda by the pro-abort feminists:

    This organization helps women who have had abortions and who are trying to recover from the devastating reality of killing their unborn.

  2. Thank you for posting the link. Freedom from abortion regret is a beautiful thing.
