Pro-life participants were estimated to number several thousand.
Remember, those are her words, not mine. I don’t see ugly, I see happy people, attempting to defend against pro-abortion zealots.
Yes, because we must document events in which pro-aborts harass peaceful pro-lifers. That harassment often ends up like this:
I wish I had a picture of that, I really do!
***Update.. someone just posted the following video. Listen as the pro-aborts scream, I have no idea what they're screaming, but their attempts to get their message across are in vain. I was supprised to see it was what appears to be a grown man who was arrested, and not some loud mouth with wierd hair. Yeah, I said that.
I'm unable to embed the video, but you can watch/listen HERE
***Update.. Apparenty Ariel thinks she's hated, because I posted her pictures. Not true Ariel. I think you've had a bad life, and I think you need help. But hated? No, you're not hated.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOk, so tell me about Ariel. What makes you think I'm a creep? Why does it bother you so much that people actually care about you? When it comes to hate, it's coming from you, not me.
ReplyDeleteGee, she deleted the comment. They just can't handle a normal conversation, can they?
ReplyDeletePro life shouldn't marginalise women - what are you doing?! Abortion isn't about life - it's about a choice. A women's choice. They used to save the baby over the mother in childbirth not so long ago (or ask the man who to save) - that, like this cause, is an absolute disgrace,
DeleteWell, you're the one making assumptions, saying I have had a bad life and all. And I deleted it because I thought it was a better idea not to pay attention to your ramblings. But whatever, I'm game, let's dance. Except I'm a big homo, so I imagine you don't want my big gay cooties.
ReplyDeleteI know, I read your profile on twitter. I have gay friends, but they don't carry hate on their shoulder. You might try not being on the defensive, and learning to get along with people with opposing views. I'm not a hater, really.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that struck me about the "pro-life"/anti-choice rally yesterday in Belfast was the fact that though they had large enough numbers (couple of thousand), that is really the maximum number of people they can possibly mobilise. They bussed religious fanatics and anti-progressives from all over the country. Their number may have included a "surprising" number of normal enough looking young people but compared to the numbers of old people with rosary beads, middle aged men and others who should not concern themselves what a woman does with her body they were a drop in the ocean. They also were trying very hard to look like they were enjoying themselves with some weird dances that were somewhere between a lame white attempt at southern baptist and Mark from Peep Show pretending he'd dropped a yoke. So all in all a mixture of losers, religious fanatics and fascists - a farcical remnant of our ultra conservative authoritarian theocratic past. the future is ours!
ReplyDeleteLeft-wingers: Progressive!
DeleteMe: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
-credit 'The Princess Bride'
Seriously, though, y'all all keep using that word to implement these strange, counter-logical agendas, and yet, I ask you, can you point to one single indicator that would prove any actual progress? On a global scale, violent crime has increased, economic woes redoubled, any surveys that study a culture's happiness have all shown either a decrease or no increase, world government interactions are at ever-increasing tensions, yet defying all logic, you "progressives" continue to claim progress as your mantra.
Sorry, but you need to peddle the "progressive" bit somewhere else. Keep the snake oil. Logic and truth, God and science, reign in my mind.
Oh, and one more thing, the future belongs to life. Death has his hour, but life will always win, in the end.
Nicely stated William. :)
DeleteNot really, though - was it!!??
DeleteCan you counter his logic?
DeleteThis was an "ALL Ireland" rally, was it not? Do you think those people were forced to get on the buses? LOL silly! No, transportation is often provided for any group sponsoring a rally. These people willing went to the rally, to take a stand against people (like you), who want abortion legalized in Ireland. Do you think senior citizens shouldn't be allowed an opinion when it comes to social issues in their own country? Why not just lock them up in an old folks home? Better yet, abort them and get them out of your agenda. It's sad you're prejudiced against people who are older. If you're lucky, you'll be a senior citizen one day. What will the youngsters be saying about you then? We can only imagine!
ReplyDeleteWow...abort old people? Seriously, you do realise they're only old because they've already been born...a long time ago. I knew the anti-choice ideology that likens termination of a pregnancy to murder, was based on a misunderstanding of basic life sciences...I didn't realise the ignorance was this bad!
ReplyDeleteSenior citizens are on the latter end of their development. Zygotes, embryos, and fetuses are at the beginning of theirs. YOU, are in the middle. I figure if you have no problem aborting a human being on one end of the spectrum, you wouldn't have a problem aborting those on the other end.
DeleteThat's ridiculous - a zygote isn't a human. This is not a real spectrum. A fetus is on the same spectrum as a zygote - a old person is on the same spectrum as a baby. You sound like Sarah Palin on acid.
DeleteWhat is a zygote if not human? The blueprint is set for a zygote, complete with human DNA. Not human? That's laughable.
DeleteAs much as you would like to deny it, your own development began when your dads sperm met with your moms egg. You did not come into existence at birth, you came into existence at conception.
Let's stick within the boundaries of fact here people. Yes, a human zygote/embryo/feotus is human. That's a statement of scientfic fact that tells us which species it is classified as. I'm human, an embryo in my uterus would be a human embryo...otherwise I'd be a little wworried. However, the term abortion only refers to the terination of a pregnancy before it reaches full term. A miscarriage is called a spontaneous abortion when given its proper name. The reason we have this term is to recognise that the human in the antenatal stage is different from the human post birth. The only way you're ever going to be able to abort a full grown adult is if you can make them climb up inside a vagina and then pull them out again. Stop confusing the word 'abort' with the word 'murder' it just makes you sound stupid.
Deletekelphonica - at least you admit the embryo etc is human. KB may be Jewish, as I find most people who deny this are.
DeleteAs defined by Merriam Webster: Abortion = the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.
Spontaneous abortion is akin to a miscarriage.
"The reason we have this term is to recognise that the human in the antenatal stage is different from the human post birth."
Wrong! Spontaneous as defined by Merriam Webster is "developing or occurring without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment".
Induced abortion on the other hand, occurs with external influenc, force, etc.. either by drugs like RU-486, or by the use of a suction canula and curette.
NEITHER has anything to do with a fetus being in the antenatal, or prenatal stage, because if there was no fetus, or embryo, or zygote, there would be no abortion, whether spontaneous or induced.
The only difference between a fetus and an infant, other than level of development, is that one has been born, and the other has not. You can either let the fetus be born to be an infant, or you can willfully kill it before it's born. That's the choice in *pro* choice.
The video of the arrest was myself. Right place, right time I guess. I think he Punched a guy in the face. Unfortunately I don't have that on camera.
ReplyDeleteAs in - I took the video...I was not
DeleteLOL Adam.. great job on the video. I'm glad you were there, and that it wasn't your face he got arrested for punching. :)
DeleteThe person was arrested for punching Michael Quinn, a known neo-nazi, who was marching as part of the "pro-life" side. Any decent-thinking human being is right to be enraged by seeing a neo-nazi waving a sign reading 'life'. Yeah, it was a stupid thing for the person arrested to do, but hey, your side is the one which has ACTUAL NEONAZIS marching with you.
DeleteAriel - Being in the US, I had never heard of Michael Quinn. I did a little research which backed up what you said. Apparently, he's been pro-life for a long time. Don't mistake me for excusing his neo-nazi activism, because I'm not. Just saying, it's not surprising he was at the rally.
DeleteYou live in america? Wow, even more reason for you to leave Irish women alone. At least in your country women who desperately need to end a pregnancy can do so safely and legally. Leave irish politics to the people whose lives are actually going to be affected by it.
DeleteWhy don't you leave abortion to the children who will be killed by it? Ask the unborn if they're pro-life.
DeleteKelephonica - yes I live in the US. So what? How many women died in Ireland last year from illegal abortion? That's the question you need to answer for yourself. I look forward to your response.
DeleteClaire - Indeed.. If only we could ask them. Abortion would be made illegal in about 2 seconds.
Oh, well I was marching too and I don't remember having to answer a questionaire about my political views or persuasions. Everyone that liked could join the Rally celebrating LIFE. Ariel did you hold interviews or have a screening process gauging who held up your placards? I guess it would have been an easier task seeing as there were about 100 of you compared to over 7000 of us!!
ReplyDeleteI heard it was 2 to 3 thousand. But since you were there, and I wasn't, I'll take your word for it. Only 100 of them? So THAT's why they were screaming so loud! /sarcasm
DeleteIt was a couple of thousand against around 50 people..sorry
ReplyDeleteThis is madness. 'because the woman didn't take proper precautions'. Abortion/holocaust. Absolutely disgraceful comparison. Women should support women, rather than misogynists - I just cannot believe what I'm reading. The have the choice not to have sex or use birth control - that's nonsense in a lot of cases. You're focussing on a group of cells rather than the real lives of real women. Sad day for feminism. Your adverts are as pitiful as the PETA campaigns.
ReplyDeleteMadness? So in your opinion, women should continue the needless slaughter of unborn humans, even though the womem are negligent when it comes to prevention? Do you at least have a gestational limit to when you think abortion is not appropriate?
ReplyDeleteAccording to one of the sponsors, Precious Life, there were 7,000 people rallying on the side of life, during the 2012 All Ireland Rally For Life.
ReplyDeleteHey, AAG:
ReplyDeleteGreat post. It's true that the Rally for Life had about 7000 and the Rally for Choice had about 250. It was especially interesting to note that, from my perspective, those involved in the Life parade were smiling while those in front of the City Hall were angry (given the circumstances of legality, mostly, I'm assuming.)
Can you please refrain from saying things like this, though: "KB may be Jewish, as I find most people who deny this are." I mean, really, let's not insinuate things, shall we?
Thanks! :)
Rachel, I didn't insinuate anything. I said KB *may* be Jewish because he/she believes a human fetus is not human at all. Of those who deny a human zygote, embryo, or fetus, is human(until birth), I've found it to be a belief among Jewish people. It wasn't a dig, it was the truth. I don't know any non-Jewish person who has denied the unborns humanity, do you?
DeleteI still find it funny that people think an unborn child isn't alive or a bunch of cells until it's born. There's no magical realm in the vagina when the baby comes out that makes it a baby. It's a baby from conception. People deny what a fetus is, as any doctor they'll tell you that a fetus is a term for baby. Pro-Aborter's are so hell bent on killing unborn children because they don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions. Venting over, people need to get their facts straight, go back to school and learn your damn science and biology!
ReplyDeleteI meant *ask any doctor. plus if you ask an abortionist doctor they'll tell you it's not because that's their income by murdering the unborn child.
DeleteHeather, fetus is a medical/scientific term, as is embryo, zygote, and infant. Pro-aborts get the term baby mixed up with the term infant. They tend to think you have to be born to be a baby, and we both know that's not true.