Saturday, November 5, 2011

Poll results - Pro-life, Pro-Choice, with God or without?

Some time ago, I posted a poll on this blog.  The question posed was:

"Regarding your political views on abortion, as well as your personal belief about God, which answer below is closest to your belief?"

  • Pro-Choice and I believe in God           24 (19%)
  • Pro-Life and I believe in God                73 (58%)
  • Pro-Choice I do not believe in God      19 (15%)
  • Pro-Life I do not believe in God             9 ( 7%)

Out of 125 respondents, 65% said they were pro-life, regardless of their belief (or lack of) in God.  Of respondents who do believe in God, three times as many are pro-life as are pro-choice.  And of those who do not believe in God, twice as many are pro-choice as are pro-life.  No surprise there.

Of those who are pro-choice, 19% believe in God, as compared to 15% who do not.

Of those who are pro-life, 58% believe in God, as compared to only 7% who do not.

What does this mean?  It means that people who believe in God are also more likely to believe in the sanctity of human life.  We're not against abortion because we have religious faith, we're against abortion because killing an innocent human being is wrong.  One third of the atheists who participated in this poll believe that as well.


  1. "It means that people who believe in God are also more likely to believe in the sanctity of human life."

    I think it would be more accurate to say "people who believe in god are more likely to be against abortion." Religion does not make people value the sanctity of human life.

  2. Trying to separate abortion from the taking of human life? Sorry, it won't work here.

  3. Yes, because a fetus is not a person.

  4. innocent human beings deserve to be protected, yes. But again, a fetus, or a fertilized egg in the case of Amendment 26, is not a human being.
