Saturday, December 17, 2011

Want To Keep Your Baby? Don't Ask A Pro-Choicer.

This is the sad truth about pro-choice.  They only help if your choice is abortion.  Shelby Knox posted the tweet below this morning, asking her minions to prevent a CPC from winning $1,000.  Sad isn't it?


Obviously, the answer for us is to go to and vote for The Alpha Center.  They are a medical clinic ran by, get this, religious people!  And they do not perform abortions, or refer for abortions. 

By the way Shelby, it's not Leslee Unruh you're hurting, it's women who want to keep their babies.  Or don't they matter?


  1. 'We support all choices! Shut down anything that doesn't support abortion!' Way to out their hypocrisy.

  2. I'm finding more and more that it's true. Pro-aborts only help when the woman wants an abortion. If you think about it, helping someone to keep their baby sorta makes you responsible, and we already know how choicer's shirk responsibility. Just kill the baby, it's the least expensive alternative.

  3. Yep-and if you experience anything negative after abortion, under the bus you go. All about keeping the numbers up.
