Sunday, April 10, 2011

Why Women Have Abortions

The main focus of this blog is making people aware of what goes on in the minds of pro-aborts.  Below is a perfect example.
Using the #ihadanabortion hashtag, @Juliewashere88 listed several reasons why women have abortions. We'll look at Julie's reasons, and then the real reasons women have abortions.
The latest maternal mortality rate I found for the US is 8 in 100,000 women.  Though that is higher than it should be, it certainly doesn't warrant the fear mongering as noted above.
Some other "reasons" from Julie:
image image image image image image image
Some women do have debilitating illnesses when pregnant, but rape and self-defense?  Come on!  Julie is simply reaching for reasons to justify the brutal act of abortion.
Let's look at the real reasons given by women who had an abortion. From
While I don't agree with any of the reasons listed above, it makes it easy to distinguish reality, from the irrationality that comes from pro-aborts.
It's time America woke up to the reality of just how irrational pro-aborts are.  Pass it along!


  1. Has anyone ever heard of adoption?

    1. I have heard of adoption, I consider it on big lie, the thought of it makes me feel physically ill, and I refuse to call people who adopt "parents". I call them adopters. Abortion, NOT adoption.

  2. Have any of you girls heard of having sex only in the period ten days after the last day of your period. There's not to much of a
    chance youll get pregnant. Agood Catholic girl would know this.

  3. Anonymous, choicers are not fond of NFP, because they wouldn't be able to have sex whenever they chose to. As for adoption, they feel it's too painful to give the baby up for adoption. It's less painful to kill it.

    1. It is less painful to terminate a life form that cannot think or feel like a human, which is what makes a human a human. A life form of less value than a chicken or a cow, because a chicken and a cow can think, albeit not like a human. A life form that does not have either the cerebrum or the neural pathways to feel or think anything. Yes, it is far far less painful to end the existence of that life form than to give a fully formed infant up for adoption. Would you think that crushing a cockroach should be painful? That's the kind of comparison you're making.
