Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pro-Aborts Follow The Lead of 40 Days For Life's 'Peaceful' Protests


Once again, pro-abortion protesters are counter-protesting pro-lifer's, but this time, they're also following the lead of a 'peaceful' protest. 

The Summer of Mercy 2.0 is scheduled for July 30th through August 7th.

The Summer Celebration of Choice is ironically (or not) scheduled for July 31st through August 7th.

They call it "Summer Celebration of Choice", saying:

As you may already know, Dr. LeRoy Carhart has become the new target for Summer of Mercy 2.0. (emphasis added)

Please note that this event is not a counter-protest, but rather a peaceful pro-choice presence and a show of community support for Dr. Carhart, his staff, and his patients. We will not be engaging in any dialogue, argument, or confrontation with any anti-choice protesters, and we are working with law enforcement to ensure everyone's safety over the course of the week.  (emphasis added)

Let's not over-look the the use of the word 'target', as they describe the reason for the "Summer of Mercy 2.0" protest in Germantown, MD.  They also state this is not a counter-protest. Sure.

But the intent is for them to hold a peaceful demonstration, and I think that's a good thing.  It's not however, something they are accustomed to. 


We'll see how it plays out.  Something tells me, it's going to be a very difficult, long week for them.







  1. I sent them an email asking them why, if they're for women's lives, they're standing up for the man who killed Christin Gilbert, instead of standing up for her.

  2. A mentally disabled teenage rape victim, who was re-victimized by Carhart. The pro-aborts stand behind him as a hero. Christen is considered collateral damage. Her story is one I'm sure they'd like to forget. Thanks to people like you Christina, Christen will never be forgotten.

  3. Any published stats on how much money the 'sainted' Dr. Carhart makes?

    Any idea how far past the front desk a woman gets if she can't pay for her abortion?

    Any idea why the wing-nuts think he cares more about women than he does about $$$$$$?

  4. Anonymous -

    I'm sure those stats are readily available, though will be guesstimates at the most. I'll see what I can find and post back here.

    My guess would be, not very far

    Just because they want to believe he does.

  5. The so-called Summer of Mercy in 1991 was an organized siege to terrorize Dr. Tiller and ended with his murder in 2009. Summer of Mercy 2 is the sequel with the hopes that the same outcome will befall Dr. Carhart. This is nothing but domestic terrorism at its finest.

  6. Its always just one man. With my own eyes I saw chalk drawings outside of Dr. Carhart's clinic by anti-choicers that had guns with antiabortion messages. The message was clear-- we will use guns and violence to stop you from exercising your right to control your own body.

    Second, Dr. Tiller was shot before if you remember correctly.

    Third, according to Roeder's own admission, he said the Summer of Mercy in 1991 was the catalyst that sparked him antiabortion activism.

    Fourth, Operation Rescue, which organized both events, is considered a domestic terrorist organization by the FBI and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

  7. Jackie - Yes, it is usually 1 man.. an crazy extremist. For us to prevent that type of tragedy, prolife would have to do nothing, and say nothing, so as not to egg on the lunatic. Prolife is NOT responsible for Roeders action, and neither is Op Rescue, he is responsible for his own.

    I know Operation Rescue has a bad rep, but I wasn't aware they were on the lists you mentioned. Can you back up that claim with a link?
